Guidelines for Writing Ohio Parole Board

You can show your support for Alan by mailing or faxing a letter to:
1050 Freeway Drive North
Columbus, OH 43229
Tel: 614-752-1200
Fax: 614-752-0600

Include in body of letter...
Subject: Letter of Support / VSP Hearing
Alan R. Yurko - Institutional No. 216942
Attention: April

There is a Form Letter below that you can use intact or modify. Or, if you'd like to do it from scratch, here are some guidelines on points to make:
• Request leniency due his good works from prison and time already served.
• Request his parole to be reinstated versus further prison time.
• Express your support for him and any efforts you can make as he rebuilds his life/employment opportunities, speaking engagement offers, etc.
• Express any experiences you may have in knowing Alan: how long, how you came to know him, what you've learned from him, what he's done from prison to help your situation or what he's done for others, the contributions he's made to society and the medical and legal communities, etc.
••• Two IMPORTANT things:
Please copy Francine via email or post with your letter (address below).
2) Include your ADDRESS in the letter's signature, as validation.

A few more facts for those Inquiring Minds...
• Alan has written over 100 articles in medical and health publications.
• He is published in the Journal of Degenerative Diseases, the ICA Review, the British Medical Journal, and Health Freedom News, to name a few.
• He's worked with public defenders as well as prosecutors in finding truth in unexplained infant injuries and death.
• He's been sought out by the Icelandic Supreme Court for consultation.
• He's helped over 80 families directly with free of charge record reviews, consultations and referrals.
• He's on the board of patrons for the NVIC-UK, on the board of the ICHF (International Council for Health Freedom).
• Director of Iatrogenic Affairs for CCMRF (Common Cause Medical Research Foundation)
• Has raised funding for many health and educational awareness organizations
• Has helped to forward the cause of vaccine awareness and education
• He's a subject of an ongoing PBS documentary.
• He's been asked to speak at conventions and on radio programs not only in the US but in other countries as well.
• He's been offered several positions with different individuals and/or organizations that deal with health reform, education and/or public awareness.

These are just some of Alan's accomplishments and involvements over the past several years that demonstrate his abilities and dedication to society.

••• Two IMPORTANT things:
Please copy Francine via email or post with your letter (address below).
2) Include your ADDRESS in the letter's signature, as validation.
Form Letter:

      Subject: Letter of Support / VSP Hearing,
      Alan R. Yurko - Institutional No. 216942
      Attention:  April

Date: (Insert)

Please consider this letter as a request that the Ohio Parole Board exercise its discretion for leniency in the case of Alan R. Yurko. On August 27, 2004, Alan took a Best-Interest Plea of no-contest, time served, and immediate release to manslaughter, as a means to spare his family the exasperation, expense and more years waiting for a new trial.

A review of the court transcripts, or interviews with any of the many court room spectators at Alan's successful Evidentiary Hearing of August 23-27, 2004 would reveal that his original conviction would have likely been overturned in a new trial.

Since Alan began building a case for a retrial four years ago, he has accomplished the following:
• written over 100 articles in medical journals and health publications and is published in, among others, the Journal of Degenerative Diseases, the ICA Review, the British Medical Journal, and Health Freedom News
• worked with public defenders as well as prosecutors in investigating unexplained infant injuries and death
• was sought out by the Icelandic Supreme Court for consultation
• has helped over 80 families directly with free of charge record reviews, consultations, and referrals
• admitted to the board of patrons for the NVIC-UK, on the board of the ICHF (International Council for Health Freedom)
• director of Iatrogenic Affairs for CCMRF (Common Cause Medical Research Foundation)
• raised funding for many health and educational awareness organizations
• helped to forward the cause of vaccine awareness and education
• has become a subject of an ongoing PBS documentary
• has been invited to speak at conventions and on radio programs not only in the U.S. but in other countries as well

Before being released from Florida State Prison, and since his release, Alan has been offered several positions with different individuals and/or organizations that deal with health reform, education and/or public awareness. Alan is a huge asset to society and a person deemed worthy of another chance.

It is clear that Alan in his youth was convicted and served time in prison for a property crime in Ohio. It is also apparent that, with two months of parole remaining, Alan violated his parole by going to Florida to be there for the birth of his son. While the wisdom of his decision to travel to Florida can be questioned, his intent was not to evade his parole obligations but to be with his baby when he was born.

Considering the fact that his intent was not criminal and he was not actually guilty of the crimes for which he was convicted in Florida, justice would be best served in this case if Alan were to be released from custody and, perhaps, ordered to finish out his parole versus more prison time and waste of tax payer funds.

Please show compassion and leniency in the case of Alan R. Yurko when he comes before the Parole Review Board.

Important - please include name AND address in signature.


Once again, we Thank You for your support. The next update will come after the January parole hearing. If you have further questions please email Francine.

Snail-mail: (see Home Page for current address)
Francine Yurko
PO Box 585965
Orlando, FL. 32858-5965
tel/fax (407) 291-4344

Much Love and Appreciation,
Francine and Alan Yurko


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