Mohammed Ali Al-Bayati, PhD, DABT, DABVT
Toxicologist & Pathologist
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Yurko Home Page
Section III
(cont.) Review of Alan Ream Yurko’s Medical
Records During His Hospitalization on November
24 Through 29, 1997, and Analysis of His Health
References [click] |
Events and treatments at Florida Hospital Furthermore,
at 2:45 PM baby Alan was given heparin at a dose level of 2 cc per hour
(500 IU/ml) by intravenous infusion. With the baby’s weight at 4.57
kg, the resulting effective heparin dose was 219 IU/kg per hour. The Physicians’
Desk Reference (PDR) recommends the following pediatric dosage schedule:
initial dose of 50 units/kg IV drip, and maintenance dose of 100 units/
kg (IV drip) every four hours, or 25 units/kg per hour [17, p. 3306].
Heparin inhibits reactions that lead to the clotting of blood and the
formation of fibrin clots both in vitro and in vivo. Heparin acts on multiple
sites in the normal coagulation. Clotting time is prolonged by full therapeutic
doses of heparin in most cases. Heparin also induces the formation of
white clot due to the aggregation of platelets. At 3:15 PM, at about 30
minutes post-heparin infusion, blood analysis showed increased prothrombin
time and fibrinogen split product level (Table
9). The PDR states that bleeding can occur at virtually any site in patients receiving heparin. Fall in hematocrit, fall in blood pressure, or any other unexplained symptoms should lead to serious consideration of a potential hemorrhagic event. Heparin sodium should be used with extreme caution in disease states in which there is increased danger of hemorrhage. Baby Alan had hypotension (Table 10) and his hematocrit was very low (25.3%). The normal range for hematocrit is 36.5-52%. A
computerized tomography scan of the brain, taken at 7:50 PM (at about
five hours following the start of heparin infusion) showed a right subdural
hematoma, intraparenchymal hemorrhage in the right frontal region, and
some mass affect in the right cerebral hemisphere. An ophthalmologist
examined Alan’s eyes and found minimal right internal hemorrhages.
At 4:21 PM, chest x-ray showed bilateral pulmonary infiltrates and healing
fractures of the 6th rib. Dr. Scott Mahan stated that review of the bony
structure revealed an old, healing fracture of left posterior rib #6 in
the midclavicular line. The remaining bony structures revealed no significant
abnormalities. On
November 25th, baby Alan was treated with a sedative, potassium, fluid,
heparin, sodium bicarbonate, neuromuscular blocker, and antihistamine.
The list of medications is presented in Table
11. This second sodium bicarbonate infusion was started at 8:00
AM as treatment for acidosis. However, the blood pH was 7.67 (highly alkaline)
at 11:00 PM of the previous night, and it was 7.61 at 3:40 AM on November
25th. At this time, the baby was suffering from metabolic alkalosis, thus
the treatment with bicarbonate was not justified. Metabolic alkalosis
causes hypoxia by increasing the binding of oxygen with hemoglobin and
preventing the release of oxygen to the tissues [7, 25, 26, 27]. At
8:00 AM, the baby was also given heparin by infusion similar to the dose
given on November 24th (described above—219 IU/kg per hour). This
treatment was not justified at all, because heparin at high therapeutic
dosage should not be given to any patient suffering from bleeding and
hypotension [17]. Baby Alan had a bleeding gastric ulcer, subdural hemorrhage,
bleeding in the brain, and hypotension. The platelet count prior to the
administration of heparin on November 24th was 571,000/µL of blood,
dropping to 397,000/µL (30% reduction) at 5:45 AM on November 25,
1997 (at about 15 hours following the start of the first heparin infusion).
Heparin increases the tendency of platelets to aggregate and form a clot.
Blood analysis values of November 24th through November 27th are presented
in Table
12. In
the first twenty-four hours after admission, the baby received 525.8 mL
of fluid by IV; 10 mL by nasogastric tube (NG); 60 mL red blood cells;
and 130 mL plasmanate. His total intake was 725.8 mL. However, his 24-hour
output was 786 mL (756 mL urine and 30 mL from NG). The net output was
60.2 mL. The
baby was given a sedative, red blood cells, and plasmanate from November
26th through 28th. He was also given antidiuretic hormone on November
28th (Table
11). The results of the blood analysis are presented in Table
12 and Table
13. On November 26th, his serum glucose dropped to a normal level
of 95 mg/dL from 397 mg/dL (76% reduction) on November 24, 1997. Also,
on November 26th, the LDH, alkaline phosphate, and SGPT levels dropped
by 70%, 47%, and 19% respectively from their levels on November 24. On
11/26/97, the total white blood cell count was reduced by 35% from the
level on November 24th. This clearly indicates that the baby had liver
and pancreas bacterial infections, and his infections were resolved because
of the treatment with antibiotics (Table
6 and Table
Analysis of hospital events and clinical data My
review of the medical records of baby Alan obtained from Princeton and
Florida hospitals and described above [III] confirmed Francine and Alan
Yurko’s stories. Baby Alan’s blood analysis results of November
24, 1997 (Table
8, Table
12) revealed that he was suffering from diabetes mellitus and
complications of diabetes such as cardiac arrest, apnea, hypokalemia,
metabolic and respiratory acidosis, and infections. Baby
Alan’s serum glucose levels at 12:09 and 3:15 PM were 337 and 397
mg/dL, respectively. Normal serum glucose rage is 70-110 mg/dL. His blood
pH was 7.18 at 12:09 PM and dropped to 7.1 at 2:40 PM (Table 8).
His serum potassium level was 4.9 mEq/L at 12:09 PM and dropped to 2.3
mEq/L at 5:45 AM on 11/25/97 following treatment with excessive amount
of sodium bicarbonate (blood pH was 7.6-7.7). His hypokalemia was severe.
He was treated with potassium solutions by IV infusion several times on
November 24th-25th (Table
7, Table
11). Also, he had elevated white blood cell count (20, 900/µL),
elevated LDH (1148% of normal), alkaline phosphatase (202% of normal),
and SGOT (414% of normal). His anion gap was 22 mEq/L. Furthermore,
at the time of admission to Princeton Hospital, the baby had a gastric
ulcer, and his corneas were cloudy. Chest x-rays taken on November 24th
showed lung infiltrate, which is a sign of lung infection. The elevated
white blood cell count (20, 900/µL) and temperature (105.8 F at
6:00 PM) are other signs of bacterial infection. In
metabolic acidosis resulting from diabetes, potassium usually leaves the
intracellular environment because the intracellular proteins bind with
hydrogen, which leads to cardiac arrest and paralysis of the respiratory
muscles. At this stage, serum potassium levels are usually normal or elevated,
but after treatment with bicarbonate and elevation of pH to normal or
above normal, the potassium leaves the blood and goes back inside the
cells. This leads to hypokalemia, as we observed in this case. At time
of admission, baby Alan had no muscle tone, no intestinal movement, and
his abdomen was distended. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine
states that in metabolic acidosis, initial serum potassium concentrations
are normal to high, despite depletion of body stores, and potassium concentrations
fall rapidly during therapy with sodium bicarbonate, predisposing the
patient to cardiac arrhythmias and/or paralysis of the respiratory muscles
[7, p. 2060]. Baby
Alan had all the symptoms and complications of diabetes as described in
the medical literature, such as metabolic acidosis, cardiac arrest (hyperkalemia),
cardiac arrhythmias (due to hypokalemia), infections, fever, cerebral
edema, and gastric ulcer [7, 8, 11]. In diabetic children, cerebral edema
is a common cause of death, and more frequent than in adults. Baby Alan
had cerebral edema, as stated in the autopsy report [28]. The medical
examiner, Dr. Shashi B. Gore reported that “the brain appears very
edematous, shiny and fluffy. Differentiation of the cortex and medulla
appears poor and the ventricles are slightly reduced in size. Cerebral
edema is confirmed.” Dr.
Ben Guedes also confirmed on November 24th at Princeton Hospital that
the baby had a gastric ulcer. Dr. Guedes stated that the child developed
bleeding from the gastrostomy tube due to stress ulcer. The child was
treated with cimetidine (histamine H2-receptor antagonist) in the hospital
for his ulcer (Table
11). The presence of gastric ulcer can explain the inability of
the baby to take his food at home in the days prior to his cardiac arrest
on November 24th. In Florida Hospital, the baby was given 10 mL of liquid
by a nasogastric tube (NG) on November 24th through November 25th, and
30 mL came back through the NG tube, as described above (III A). Furthermore,
baby Alan had metabolic acidosis, as indicated by low blood pH (7.1),
high blood PCO2 level (74 mm Hg), low blood bicarbonate level (17.9 mEq/L),
and high anion gap (22 mEq/L). In diabetic patients, the metabolic acidosis
and anion gap are almost totally accounted for by the elevated plasma
levels of acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybutyrate, although other acids
(e.g., lactate, free fatty acids, phosphates) contribute [7]. Baby Alan
was treated with sodium bicarbonate to correct his blood acidosis. However,
he was given excessive amount of bicarbonate. His blood pH was 7.1 at
2:40 PM on November 24, 1997 and rose to 7.67 at 11:00 PM (Table 8). In
addition, he was again given bicarbonate by IV infusion at 8:00 AM on
November 25th (Table
11), and his blood pH was 7.61 at 3:40 AM of the same day (Table
8). Harrison’s
Principles of Internal Medicine states that bicarbonate therapy may
be indicated in severely acidotic patients (PH 7.0 or below), especially
if hypotension is present (acidosis itself can cause vascular collapse).
Bicarbonate is not used routinely in less acutely ill subjects, because
rapid alkalinization may have detrimental effects on oxygen therapy (7,
p. 2073). Alkalinization increases the avidity of hemoglobin to bind oxygen,
impairing the release of oxygen in peripheral tissues. The hemoglobin-oxygen
dissociation curve is normal in diabetic ketoacidosis because of opposing
effects of acidosis and deficiency of red blood cell 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate
(2,3-BPG). If acidosis is rapidly reversed, the deficiency of 2,3-BPG
becomes manifest, increasing the avidity with which hemoglobin binds oxygen.
If bicarbonate is given, the infusion should be stopped when the pH reaches
7.2 to minimize possible detrimental side effects and to prevent metabolic
alkalosis as circulating ketones are metabolized to bicarbonate with reversal
of ketoacidosis. The key parameters to follow are the pH and the calculated
anion gap. It
is very obvious that these vital treatment recommendations were not followed
in baby Alan’s case, and that his treatment with excessive amount
of bicarbonate led to severe hypoxia and cerebral edema [25-27]. Furthermore,
baby Alan suffered from hypoxia as a result of his severe anemia, as shown
by very low hemoglobin (7.8 g/dL), hematocrit (25.3%), and low RBC (2.61
x 10(6)/µL). His apnea, cardiac arrest, and hypotension also resulted
in hypoxia and general ischemia of the brain. Dehydration,
polyurea, weight loss, and wasting are symptoms and complications of diabetes
mellitus. In the first twenty-four hours, baby Alan received 525.8 mL
of fluid by IV; 10 mL by nasogastric tube (NG); 60 mL red blood cells;
and 130 mL plasmanate. His total intake was 725.8 mL. However, his twenty-four
hour output was 786 mL (756 mL urine and 30 mL from NG). The net output
was 60.2 mL. He was dehydrated in spite of receiving adequate amount of
fluid by IV infusion (Tables 6, 7 and 11). Moreover,
the baby was treated with antidiuretic hormone (DDAVP) on November 28th
to prevent dehydration (Table
13). DDAVP is a synthetic analog of the natural pituitary hormone
8-arginine vasopressin (ADH), an antidiuretic hormone affecting renal
conservation. On November 24th, the baby’s weight was 10.05 pounds;
on November 29th, his weight was 9.0 lb. He lost 1.05 lb (10% of his weight)
in five days during his stay in the hospital despite treatment with relatively
high volume of fluid IV and antidiuretic hormone. Also, his average serum
creatinine value on November 24th was 0.45 mg/dL (75% of low normal value)
and dropped to 0.2 mg/dL (33% of low normal) on November 27th (Table
12). Low creatinine is an indicator of low muscle mass and wasting
disease. The
clinical data indicate that Alan’s diabetes resulted from bacterial
infection of the pancreas, and may have been due to infections of other
organs. It has been stated that the metabolic decompensation of diabetes
is due to a relative or absolute deficiency of insulin and a relative
or absolute excess of glucagons [7]. Stress hyperglycemia, usually associated
with infections and other life-threatening illnesses, is due to release
of glucagons and catecholamines [7, p. 2061]. Bacterial and mycotic infections
complicate the life of the diabetic, in whom hyperglycemia is poorly controlled.
Multiple abnormalities in the host response to microbial invasion have
been described in such patients. Leukocyte functions are compromised and
immune response is blunted [7]. Blood
analysis performed on November 24th prior to Alan receiving treatment
with antibiotics shows that his white blood cells were elevated (20,900/µL).
Also, he had elevated serum glucose level of 337 mg/dL, LDH level of 2411
IU/L (1148% of normal), alkaline phosphatase level of 255 IU/L ( 202%
of normal), and SGOT level of 207 IU/L (414% of normal). He also had elevated
anion gap of 22 mEq/L (Table 12). The treatment with high therapeutic
doses of three types of antibiotics on November 24th resulted in significant
reduction in serum glucose, liver enzymes, and anion gap levels (Tables
6, 7, 12). On November 26th, the serum glucose level was 95 mg/dL (normal),
with low values for the following: LDH, 733 IU/L (reduced by 70%); alkaline
phosphatase, 135 IU/L (reduced by 47%); SGOT, 167 IU/L (reduced by 19%);
and anion gap 11 mEq/L (50% reduction). (Table
12). On
November 24th, baby Alan was treated with three types of antibiotic IVs
to fight bacterial infections (Table 6 and 7). These included: 20 mg gentamicin
(recommended dose 7.5 mg/kg/day); 300 mg rocephin (recommended dose 50-75
mg/kg/day); and 222 mg Claforan (recommended dose 50-180 mg/kg/day). Gentamicin
sulfate is a water-soluble antibiotic of the aminoglycoside group. Intravenous
administration of gentamicin is used to treat patients with bacterial
septicemia or those in shock. Gentamicin is indicated in the treatment
of serious infections caused by susceptible strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
Proteus species, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella-Enrtrobacter-Serratia species,
Citrobacter species, and Staphylococcus species [17, pg 2845]. Rocephin
is a semisynthetic, broad-spectrum antibiotic. The bactericidal activity
of rocephin results from inhibition of cell wall synthesis. It has a high
degree of stability in the presence of beta-lactamases (both penicillinases
and cephalosporinases) of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria [17,
p. 2694]. Rocephin is usually used to treat the following systemic infections:
1) bacterial septicemia caused by Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus
pneumonia, Escherichia coli, Haemohilus influenza or Klebsiella pneumonia,
2) meningitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae, Neisseria meningitides
or Streptococcus pneumonia, 3) lower respiratory infections caused by
Streptoccocus pneumonia, Staphyloccus aureus, Haemophilus influenza, Staphylococcus
parainfluenza, Klebsiella pneumonia, Escherichia coli, Enterobacter aerogenes,
Proteus mirabilis or Serratia marcescens. Claforan
(cefotaxime sodium) is a semisynthetic, broad spectrum cephalosporin antibiotic.
The antibacterial activity of cefotaxime results from inhibition of cell-wall
synthesis, and it has in-vitro activity against a wide range of gram-positive
and gram-negative organisms [17, p. 1318]. Cefotaxime is indicated for
the treatment of serious infections caused by susceptible strains of the
designated microorganisms in these diseases: 1) lower respiratory infections,
including pneumonia caused by Streptococcus pneumonia, Streptococcus pyogenes,
Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella species, Haemophilus
influenzae, Haemophilus parainfluenzae, Proteus mirabilis, Serratia marcescens,
Enterobacter species, indole positive Proteus and Pseudomonas species;
2) central nervous system infections, e.g., meningitis and ventriculitis
caused by Streptococcus pneumonia, Klebsiella pneumonia, and Escherichia
coli; 3) bacteremia/septicemia caused by Escherichia coli, Klebsiella
species, Serratia marcescens, Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus
species (including S. pneumonia). Furthermore,
at 2:45 PM, baby Alan was given heparin at a dose level of 2 cc per hour
of 50% heparin sodium (500 IU/ml) by intravenous infusion. Heparin is
a heterogeneous group of straight-chain anionic mucopolysaccharides, called
glycosaminoglycans, having anticoagulant properties [17]. It inhibits
reactions that lead to the clotting of blood and the formation of fibrin
clots both in vitro and in vivo, acting on multiple sites in the normal
coagulation cascade. Clotting time is prolonged by full therapeutic doses
of heparin in most cases. Each one mL of heparin sodium injection, USP
contains 1,000 units heparin sodium and 10 mg benzyl alcohol as a preservative.
With the baby’s weight at 4.57 kg, the resulting effective heparin
dose was 219 IU/kg per hour. The Physicians’ Desk Reference
(PDR) recommends 50 units/kg IV as initial dose for infants and children,
and a maintenance dose of 100 unit/ kg (IV, drip) every four hours, or
25 unit/kg per hour [17, p. 3306]. A
computerized tomography scan of the brain taken at 7:50 PM (at about five
hours following the start of heparin infusion) showed a right subdural
hematoma and intraparenchymal hemorrhage in the right frontal region of
the cerebral hemisphere. Based on the dose of heparin infused to the baby
(219 IU/kg per hour), the estimated total dose of heparin infused in five
hours was 1095 IU/kg, which is about 8.8 times the recommended
maintenance dose for infants of 125 IU/kg per five hours [17]. Hemorrhage
can occur at virtually any site in patients receiving heparin. Patients
suffering from anemia, any unexplained symptoms, and/or having low blood
pressure are at the greatest risk of having serious hemorrhagic events
after receiving a therapeutic dose of heparin. Alan had hypotension, and
his hematocrit was very low (25.3%). The normal range for hematocrit is
36.5-52%. In addition, the baby was treated with adenosine, a potent vasodilator
in most vascular beds, and causes significant hypotension (Table
7 and Table
11). Heparin
sodium should be used with extreme caution in disease states where there
is increased danger of hemorrhage. In addition to serious bleeding, heparin
has been found to induce the formation of white clot due to the aggregation
of platelets and to reduce the platelet count due to consumption. At 3:15
PM, at about 30 minutes post-heparin infusion, blood analysis showed increases
in fibrinogen split product (160 µg/mL) and prothrombin time (11.6
seconds), which are 1600 % and 115% of normal respectively. Platelet count
prior to the administration of heparin on November 24th was 571,000/µL
of blood, and dropped to 397,000/µL (30% reduction) at 5:45 AM on
November 25, 1997 (at about 15 hours following the start of the first
heparin infusion). Blood analysis values of November 24th through November
27th are presented in Table
12. Alan
was given heparin again at 8:00 AM on November 25th by IV infusion at
a dose similar to that of November 24th, described above (219 IU/kg per
hour). This treatment was not justified at all, because heparin at high
therapeutic dosage should not be given to any patient suffering from bleeding,
hypotension, and anemia [17]. Baby Alan had bleeding gastric ulcer, subdural
hemorrhage, bleeding in the brain, and hypotension. One day later, on
November 26th, the fibrinogen split product value and prothrombin time
returned to normal. This indicates that the elevation of these values
were associated with the heparin treatment. Furthermore,
the baby was suffering from metabolic alkalosis as a result of his treatment
with excessive amounts of sodium bicarbonate, and this condition causes
hypoxia, as described above. His blood pH and bicarbonate levels at 3:40
AM on November 25th were 7.61 and 30.4 mEq/L, respectively (Table
8). He was also given bicarbonate by IV infusion at 8:00 AM on
November 25th at the time of his treatment with heparin (Table
11). An
ophthalmologist examined the baby’s eyes and observed minimal bleeding
in the retina of the right eye. Many risk factors existed in Alan’s
case that usually lead to retinal bleeding. These include: 1) diabetes—retinal
hemorrhage, including hemorrhage in the inner retinal areas and superficial
nerve fiber layer, and preretinal hemorrhage, is commonly described in
patients suffering from diabetes [7], 2) hypoxia as a result of severe
anemia, apnea, hypotension, metabolic and respiratory acidosis, and metabolic
alkalosis from the excessive use of bicarbonate, 3) probable corneal infection,
as indicated at the time of hospital admission on November 24th (his corneas
were cloudy). The
treating physician, Dr. Ben Guedes examined Alan on November 24th and
found no signs of injuries except a small reddish linear bruise under
the right eye. Dr. Guedes stated that the tympanic membranes were clear—no
hemotympanum—and the mouth was free of injury externally. Moreover,
examination of the thorax, both anterior and posterior, and examination
of the extremities did not reveal any bruise or other injury. In addition,
Dr. Scott Mahan reviewed the chest x-ray taken on November 24th and found
no significant abnormalities in the bony structure except for an old healing
fracture of left posterior rib #6 in the midclavicular line. In
conclusion, baby Alan’s many health complications resulted from being
diabetic and from the treatment received in the hospital on November 24-25/1997.
These complications included: hyperglycemia; metabolic acidosis and respiratory
acidosis; dehydration; weight loss; cardiac arrest; apnea; metabolic alkalosis;
hypokalemia; cardiac dysrhythmias; subdural hemorrhage and bleeding in
the brain (a result of excessive treatment with heparin, hypotension,
and severe hypoxia); systemic infections; retinal hemorrhage and corneal
edema; liver damage (elevated liver enzymes, heart damage (LDH was very
high); and anemia. The Medical Examiner, Dr. Shashi Gore, and other physicians who testified in court that baby Alan died as a result of “Shaken Baby Syndrome” overlooked the clinical data described in this report and based their conclusions on a theory only. My review of the autopsy report and the testimonies of the state expert witnesses revealed that these witnesses did not take the time to review all relevant data. My review and analysis of the autopsy report and testimonies of witnesses are presented in the next two sections of this report (IV, V). Continue to PAGE 4 References[1]
Medical records of Francine Ream (1997). Florida Hospital, Orlando Florida. Continue to PAGE 4 |
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